So are you ready to taste something heavenly? Enter the smooth and slightly creamy world of Jade Pearl loose tea! This tea is harvested from the lifestyle of growth. It is all the more special of course because it selects leaves manually. This implies that a person selects each leaf with care ensuring only the best are picked. All the aforementioned processing, makes this tea quite luxurious and is a treat to have!!
Jade Pearl tea is meant to be enjoyed with peace and quiet - it is slow-release luxury from hand-plucked leaves. Only the most skilled tea pickers know to find that perfect leaves. They are trained to selectively pluck those perfect looking leaves, which would be most ideal for tea making. Which means, your tea cup is just around the corner with amazing test! After being plucked the leaves are handpicked, dried and packaged. This will only make sure they say lively so that you possess a glass of tea when your own within the mood
Jade Pearl tea-One of the reasons why I like Jade Pearl tea is that it's organic. This indicates that the tea was cultivated or harvested with no use of harmful herbicides and pesticides. This makes all the more sense as green tea is predominantly organic compared to black, so if your buying a mix of both rather than just one type choosing organic means you'll be getting natural and good tasting leaves. When you drink organic tea, you can take solace in the fact that there is nothing damaging going into your body. Well, you are not consuming chemicals right now - the goodness of tea leaves in their pure form.It is a good choice Thanks to COVID19!!
Enjoy sipping a warm cup of jade pearl tea after a hectic day it seems comforting. This tea is great for helping to calm the nervous system, which can make you feel better at rest and more relaxed. It can be as simple as brewing a nice fragrant cup of tea and taking just three deep breaths on the first sip. In no time, you will have a peace. It is a very smooth and creamy tea to taste as well, so it is a treat before bedtime.
Jade Pearl organic tea has a beautiful floral scent and balanced flavor with calming properties. The tea smells wonderful even and creates a lovely fragrance that promotes relaxation. You will be in love with its cool and soothing flavor. Because you want to taste in all of those lovely flavours and smells, this tea is best drunk without milk This way, you are able to relish the natural taste of tea leaves.
Simply put, Jade Pearl is a wonderful tea that just the thing if you need to relax or for enjoying yourself. This is perfect whether it be as a little treat for yourself or even a gorgeous gift for someone else and anyone who give its ago will love. It is delicious --also, you get true natural health benefits and it even calms. Also... it is super luxurious and everyone that you offer, certainly will be impressed....
We support form transport, so long it's quick easy efficient depending customer needs Jade Pearl loose tea many nations, offering best after-sales service, solving problems customers 24/7 online.
Dazhangshan Tea among Jiangxi Province's first companies agricultural industrialization that leadership position holds independent Jade Pearl loose tea import licence. Dazhangshan Tea certified EU standards 26 years row. Dazhangshan tea organic certifications from over globe includes NOP US as well Naturland, BioSuisse, Rainforest Kosher.
area organic tea plantations can vast. According Jiangxi Jade Pearl loose tea Customs records, there 12,000 mu (800 ha) tea production sites. Dashan's ecological industrial park covers 134.400 square meters processing capacity 3,0 tons year. It superb system supervision inspection.
Tea processing, development technology research,Jade Pearl loose tea generally annual processing tea capacity reach 3000 tonnes. primary production organic, able provide gunpowder chunmee, green, black, steam teas, herbs flowers deep-processed. They offer blended teas finished packaging.