I have got a question, did you ever take tested tea which smells like heaven of flower garden??? This is the feeling of Huang Shan Mao Feng tea! Huang Shan Mao Feng is a unique type of Chinese green tea originating from the famous mountainous region of Huang Shan. Mao Feng is a shorter version of Maojian, which translates as "Fur Peak" - it refers to the fact that its leaves are rich with pointed tips sticking upwards like peaks. It has the best taste and nice smell so lots of people love this tea.
Huang Shan Mao Feng Tea, a Chinese tea that is over 1,000 years old. Maofeng has a history as ancient and exalted as any tea in China, numbered among the ten great teas of Chinese antiquity. Many ages ago, the Emperor of China trod this way and set foot on Hoeysan. He sampled the tea and enjoyed it so much that he wanted to ensure that great care had been taken in producing this product. This is why the emperor himself ordered his workers to cultivate this tea in a special way. Today, the most troublesome Huang Shan Mao Feng tea is as yet created with much care and intrigue high among the dazzling heaps of HuangShan in Anhui Province.
The aroma of Huang Shan Mao Feng tea leaves is unique in taste and very refreshing, you can soon smell a special sweet scent when it comes with this stage. This lovely fragrance is from the clean air mountain of huang shan where ToCha grows its tea leaves. The fragrance of the aroma is that delectable it makes you desperate to consume and end up absolutely ape in excess. To many tea drinkers the aroma alone makes their day and can make them feel happy. I mean, who knew that simple tea leaves could have such an incredible smell?
Preparation of Huang Shan Mao feng tea is a detailed and complex process. Harvested by Hand: Tea leaves die a slow agonizing death, and the scars from machinery are painfully obvious. What this means is that workers literally head out into the tea fields and hand pick only the finest leaves. Next, they lay there to dry a bit in the sun. Sun-drying which enhances the taste. The leaves are then subjected to heating of varying degrees that arrests further enzymatic modification-this is crucial as it also keeps the tea fresh. The tea leaves are finally crafted, dried out and then packed that is given to people who need it so they can enjoy the flavor of drinking their favorite type of compressed earl grey nutritional super-store machinery. We take special care in every step of this since we want the tea to keep its beautiful taste.
Huang Shan Mao Feng tea is also quite sweet while it can be a bit bitter. You will enjoy the pleasant smell and taste of this tea in your mouth when you take a sip. It is its mild taste; one of the most popular soft drinks in the world. Safe for all, tea experts and novices alike; The light essence of the tea consecrates it perfect to everyone A breath of fresh air that can make you feel simultaneously rested and reinvigorated! So many people love sipping in the morning or when they get home from work.
area organic tea plantations can vast. According Jiangxi Provincial huang shan mao feng records, there 12,000 acres (800 ha) tea production sites. Dashan's eco-industrial park encompasses 134.400 square meters. It processing capacity 3,0 tons annually. The park equipped complete monitoring control system.
Tea processing, development technology research, eco-tourism, general, tea processing capacity reach 3,500 tonnes. main extraction organic supply gunpowder, green, black, steam teas, herbs flowers processed depth, as well finished tea packaging huang shan mao feng.
huang shan mao feng support method transportation, as long it's quick easy efficient according needs customers exporting many countries, offering excellent after-sales service, solving problems customers online any time.
huang shan mao feng among Jiangxi Province's initial companies agricultural industrialization that leadership position fully independent import export licence. Dazhangshan Tea hascertified according EU standard 26 consecutive years. It also obtained organic certifications across globe, including NOP US as well Naturland, BioSuisse, Rainforest Kosher.