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jasmine pearl tea

Jasmine pearl tea: Jasmine peal tea is one of the most special category which adds flowery fragrance in taste. This signature of this tea that makes it favourable for those who love to have a luxurious aroma and want some soothing experience.

Jasmine Pearl Tea: A delightful tea crafted from tender green tea leaves that are hand-rolled into small pearl-like balls, and combined with the intoxicating fragrance of fresh jasmine flowers. As you brew a cup of jasmine pearl tea, the compacted balls gradually open up and let out floral aromas from the jasmine flower infused green teas. Well, this combo creates a unique taste that redefines your idea of tea which is yummy enough to soothe the cravings and also adds shimmering magic for all those avid coffee drinkers.

The Aromatic Appeal of Jasmine Pearl Tea

The most renowned of qualities aside from its aromatic appeal is the room smelling sweet that can fill a whole house like incense when it steeps. The Sweet Smell of fresh jasmine flowers makes it more calming and soothing. Jasmine pearl tea, on the other hand is full of antioxidants and these can eliminate dangerous cells in your body by functionality slain them. Not to mention, sipping a cup of jasmine pearl tea helps relaxing and combating stress as well which ultimately elevates mood.

How to Make Jasmine Pearl Tea You can easily make a cup of delicious fragrant and tasty jasmin pearl tea. A single serving of tea pearls is generally around 6-8. Pearls must be brewed with boiling water and they can not tolerate long exposure to hot liquid - so you need a strainer. Pour pearls into the strainer or in imaginary capacity as earthen-ware teapots also usually have a built-in net, then pour over them boiled cool down slightly due for tea leaves dry up) water let stand 2-3 minutes (no more). The steep times are adjustable to taste, the longer you let it brew.. the stronger your eliquid flavor will be. When ready, one simply removes the pearls and sits back to savour a perfect cup of jasmine pearl tea.

Why choose Dazhangshan tea jasmine pearl tea?

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